Symbol of the age

symbol of the age
slender metal
charging the air

impossible not to
have mixed feelings
smaller world

more accessible
less mysterious

engines of commerce
visions of sky
clouds from above
in a way ancients
never saw

when seen like this
skimming stone
bouncing cities
in a planetary pond

these have changed

sprinting horse
swordfish dash
eagle dive
cheetah’s lunge

what are they to you
as you gently lumber
then roar
then rage
reeling off the runway
to habitats
no other can reach

taking life
to places
never been before

symbol of an age
how long will it last
thirsty one

throb your engines
sail the jet stream
paint the sky
with vaporous vortices

while you still can
and men can still
afford you

a million airborne men
huddle your carriage
here and there

many a mountain
is named cloud piercer
in tongues of
a hundred languages

but the title
belongs to your kin
dragons surely
of these decades

breathe your fire
hoard your gold
cruise the clouds
take your captives
where you seek to go

gentle giants
ferocity of the outside
mellowed on the

of foreign lands
new beginnings
lovers and loved ones
where there were none

symbol of the age
an age whose epitaph
will be mixed
but of both its good
and of its bad
you will be amidst it


About spiritsail

Surveying. Thinking. Wondering. Enjoying. Thanking. Kiwi, Christian, lived in UK half my life (>20 years). Husband, Father, and geologist. Tweet at Dave@NZUK.
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